Equipment Improvements

Start DateDescriptionStatusEnd Date
Sep 2022Automatic Band Filter SwitchingCompletedJan 2023
Jan 2023UPS for each Field Day Operator StationCompletedJan 2023

Automatic Band Filter Switching (complete)

Right now, our band filters we use for remote operations require the operator to switch the band selector switch when changing bands.

Jon Reeves is current heading up and effort to build a device that will connect to the radio and the filter that will allow for the radio to control the filter band switching. Once installed, the operator can change bands on the radio or from N1MM logger and the filters will follow relieving the operator from having to remember to change the filter band.

Status: Purchases approve by vote at Sept 2022 club meeting. Circuit boards have been ordered from a Ham in Russia. Expecting delivery in November.

Nov 16, 2022: The circuit boards have been received and all other parts are on order. As soon as the cables arrive, I will begin testing with one of the radios and a filter box.

Nov 25, 2022: The components have been wired up on the bench and tested. Everything works as planned. Now to get holes cut in the boxes and get everything into the boxes.

Jan 07, 2023: The first box is completed and operating as expected. I plan to cut holes in the second box and get it together so we will have both in operation at Winter Field day on Jan 29th.

Jan 13, 2023: All three units have been built and tested. Ready to go. Project Completed.

UPS for each Field Day Operator Station

A UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) has been ordered for each of the three HF stations in order to keep the logging computers from crashing and possibly corrupting files if there is a temporary power loss from the generator.

Jan 25, 2023: Received and available for Field Day use.