
Our Monthly Meetings are held at the Hancock EOC,
630 S. Franklin St., Greenfield, IN
on the 4th Wednesday of the month starting at 7:00 pm.
Prior to the meeting there is time for socializing from 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Meetings include a short business segment and group discussion followed by a technical presentation on a topic related to radio communications.

  • Communication Modes – Analog & Digital
  • Antenna Designs
  • Transceiver / Computer Interfaces
  • Logging Software
  • Equipment Design Improvements
  • Repeater Operations
  • Electronic Projects
  • Field Day – Organizing & Operations
  • Emergency Communication Resources

Guests are encouraged to attend these sessions to learn more about
Amateur Radio in their Community.

If you would like to find out more about Amateur Radio, or just recently got your license, we would be happy to help you get on the air. The club can assign an Elmer (mentor) to assist you in selecting the right equipment and instruct you on the various radio bands available to you.

Visitors Are Always Welcome!

4th Wednesday inMeeting Agenda
2024 JanuaryPresentation on APRS by N9BA
2024 February 3D Printing Demonstration by K9WG
2024 MarchAnatomy of a Directed Net
2024 AprilPresentation by “POTA BOB“, KD9TQH
2024 MayRyan Bardes, Department of Defense Communication Security (COMSEC) Manager
2024 JuneFinal Field Day Planning & Indoor Swap Meet
2024 July“Safety for the Radio Amateur” by K9WG
2024 AugustGuest Speaker Bob Burns, AK9R, ARRL Indiana Section Manager
2024 SeptemberGuest Speaker Gary Stouder K9SG will give a presentation on his
participation in the Peter 1 Island – 3Y0X DX-pedition
2024 OctoberBatteries for the Amateur Operator
2023 November2023 Field Day Final Results by N9TT
Introduction of the Amateur Youth Program
2023 DecemberAnnual Pitch-In Dinner & Election of Officers

Previous Meeting Minutes