News & Events

Friday, March 28, 2025

Every Tuesday at 7:30pm —– Hancock County NET

Held on the W9ATG
Linked Repeaters located
4 miles NE of Greenfield, IN

145.330 MHz (-) CTCSS 88.5
444.450 MHz (+) DCS 465

146.550 MHz Simplex if
Repeater is Unavailable

Test your Radios Transmit/Receive
Signal Propagation & Reception

Local Announcements

Volunteer Opportunities

Buy-Sell-Trade Amateur
Radio Related Equipment

Wednesday, April 2nd, 4pm —– Virtual Skywarn Spotter Training —– REGISTER

Friday, April 4th —–Emergency Warning Siren Testing

Testing of the Hancock County Homeland Security Early Warning Sirens will resume today.

More information will be posted
here when it becomes available.

Saturday, April 5th —– Columbus Hamfest

Tuesday, April 8th, 6pm —– Virtual Skywarn Spotter Training —– REGISTER

Saturday, April 12th —– Hancock County ARES Monthly Meeting

9:00 am
Hancock County EOC
640 S. Franklin Rd., Greenfield, IN

Meeting Agenda TBA

All Licensed Amateur Radio Operators
are Invited to Attend

Sunday, April 16th —– W9W Special Event Station

Wilbur Wright Birthday Special Event Station

Amateur Radio Operators from Henry County will be celebrating Wilbur Wright’s birthday today with a Special Event Station using callsign W9W. The station will operate from the parking lot of the Wilbur Wright Museum, 1525 N County Rd 750 E, Hagerstown, IN. Their plans are to operate from about 9am to 4pm. Depending on the number of participants they will operate as many possible stations on multiple bands and modes.

If they have enough equipment and operators, they might also do a POTA activation from the
Wilbur Wright Fish & Wildlife area, US-4232.

Friday, April 18th —– World Amateur Radio Day

Wednesday , April 23rd —– HARC Monthly Club Meeting

Hancock County EOC Map
640 S. Franklin St.
Greenfield, IN
Visitors are Always Welcome


Saturday, April 26th —– North Central Indiana Hamfest

Monday, April 28th, 6pm —– Virtual Skywarn Spotter Training —– REGISTER

Saturday , May 3rd —– Indiana QSO Party

11am to 11pm EDT 

The purpose of the Indiana QSO Party (INQP) is to encourage contact with Indiana amateur radio stations by other Indiana hams and hams worldwide. Stations outside of Indiana work Indiana stations only. Indiana stations work everybody, including other Indiana stations.

Saturday , May 3rd —– Amateur Radio License Exams

9:00 am – 11:00 am
New Licenses & Upgrades
Hancock County EOC Map
640 S. Franklin St., Greenfield

Saturday , May 3rd —– 500 Festival Mini Marathon

Amateur Radio volunteers are needed to provide communication support for this event. Members can log into to REGISTER

This event is May 3rd with a time commitment of 7:00am to 1:00pm at latest – most stations will be released earlier than 1:00pm

Thursday, May 8th, 6PM —– Virtual Skywarn Spotter Training —– REGISTER

Friday – Sunday, May 16-18th —– Dayton Hamvention

Saturday , May 24th —– 500 Festival Parade

Every year, ham radio operators provide critical communications for Indianapolis Fire & EMS at the Indianapolis 500 Festival Parade. Volunteers are placed at medical tents along the parade route, as well as in charge of non-emergency transportation for medical personnel and patients. Our assistance is greatly appreciated by everyone involved with the parade, and we’ve been asked to return again this year.

This year’s 500 Festival Parade will be Saturday, May 24th, 2024. Ham radio operators will be needed from 8:30 AM to approximately 2:00 PM the day of the parade. SIGN UP HERE

Saturday, June 7th —– Hancock Half Marathon

Amateur Radio volunteers are needed to provide communication support for this local event.

Members can log into where you can get more information and REGISTER to be on the volunteer list.

Saturday-Sunday, June 28-29th —– ARRL Field Day Weekend

Saturday , July 19th —– Amateur Radio License Exams

9:00 am – 11:00 am
New Licenses & Upgrades
Hancock County EOC Map
640 S. Franklin St., Greenfield

Saturday, July 19th —– Auburn Hamfest

Saturday, July 26th —– East Central Indiana Hamfest

Saturday, August 2nd —– Elkhart East Hamfest

Saturday ,September 6th —– Amateur Radio License Exams

9:00 am – 11:00 am
New Licenses & Upgrades
Hancock County EOC Map
640 S. Franklin St., Greenfield

Saturday ,November 1st —– Amateur Radio License Exams

9:00 am – 11:00 am
New Licenses & Upgrades
Hancock County EOC Map
640 S. Franklin St., Greenfield

